Identify Falls Immediately

Worksafe NZ reports that between July 2019 and June 2020, 6426 workers in NZ alone received injuries from falls that required more than a week off work. In the same year, 6 workers died as a result of falls. In Australia, an average of 29 people die from work-related falls every year.

PPE can only do so much, and for lone workers, the risks are much higher. If a worker is unable to call for help, it may be some time before their absence is noted.

Lone worker solutions with integrated fall detection technology can identify the change in acceleration of a sudden fall. If acceleration or impact is not part of the fall event, a no-motion timer will create an alarm instead. Your workers have the opportunity to confirm they are alright in the case of a near miss or false alarm. But if the worst did happen, an external team would be aware of the incident immediately, sending assistance that could potentially save a life.


Send An Emergency SOS

Where an event is imminent or happening now, there is the opportunity for a worker to call for help using an SOS trigger.


Any alarm can be monitored by an in-house monitoring centre, or by our monitoring centre.


Two-Way Voice Communication

Communication is essential for lone employee workplace safety, but mobile phones can run out of battery or lose signal, making it hard for people to touch base with their team.

If this is a potential issue for your workers, consider opting for a device that has push-to-talk (PTT) connectivity. These wearable options operate like walkie talkies but are less intrusive and don’t require a radio license.

Cellular devices offer two-way voice calling for emergencies. This means a live response team can communicate directly with an injured worker, or listen in to an event that is unfolding, helping emergency responders send the right kind of help as quickly as possible.


Locate Your Workers With GPS Technology

A fast response is vital when responding to accidents, but it’s imperative when a fall is involved. If your worker is suspended and their movement is restricted following a fall, they are at risk of Suspension Trauma, which can result in a loss of consciousness in as little as 20 minutes. In this situation, every minute counts.

Knowing where your workers are ensures help can reach them in the shortest amount of time. Lone worker devices have GPS technology to pinpoint exactly where your personnel are so that services can get to them without delay.


Improve Workplace Safety Using Data Science

The best way to manage workplace safety is by preventing accidents from happening in the first place. Lone worker devices can play a role in incident prevention by collecting data that offers valuable insight into the types of safety incidents your workers are at risk of.

By analysing the data streamed from your devices to the cloud, your organisation can develop better strategies and policies to ensure your lone workers operate in the safest possible environments.


Implementing Fall Protection

Lone worker solutions are the next level of fall protection for your team. Not only can they instantly identify an incident, but they can ensure the right kind of help arrives as quickly as possible.

In the last eight years, there has been no significant improvement in the number of injuries or fatalities resulting from work-related falls. But as lone worker technology is adopted in more workplaces, we hope to see those numbers drop as workplace safety improves and our lone workers are more protected than ever.

If you are looking for a great fall protection solution for your lone workers, then reach out to us at Direct Safety today.
